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UE MarketPlace Asset Update Note/Gm Rapid Thumbnail Creator

Gm Rapid Thumbnail Creator 1.0.0 Release Note

by 개발의 묘미(GaeMyo) 2024. 3. 25.

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Gm Rapid Thumbnail Creator 1.0.0 Release Note


















This plugin can be used with just one click










The options on the far right are a general area used to control various options of this plugin.






The area on the far left is where detailed items for the options checked in the area on the right appear.




Below are descriptions of the various options.





There are three main types of lighting supported by this plug-in.





The options for each light are pictured below.



Detailed explanation of lighting options.

라이팅 옵션들에 대한 세부 항목들 설명.


Intensity The intensity of the lighting.
Intensity Unit  Unit of lighting.
AttenuationRadius Bounds the light's visible influence.
This clamping of the light's influence is not physically correct but very important for performance, larger lights cost more.
Use temperature If set to false, white (D65) will be used as the light source.
Specular Scale Multiplier on specular highlights. Use only with great care! Any value besides 1 is not physical! Can be used to artistically remove highlights mimicking polarizing filters or photo touch up.
Shadow Resolution Scale Scales the resolution of shadowmaps used to shadow this light.  By default shadowmap resolution is chosen based on screen size of the caster.
Shadow Bias Controls how accurate self shadowing of whole scene shadows from this light are.  
At 0, shadows will start at the their caster surface, but there will be many self shadowing artifacts.
larger values, shadows will start further from their caster, and there won't be self shadowing artifacts but object might appear to fly.
around 0.5 seems to be a good tradeoff. This also affects the soft transition of shadows
Shadow Slope Bias Controls how accurate self shadowing of whole scene shadows from this light are. This works in addition to shadow bias, by increasing the 
amount of bias depending on the slope of a surface.
At 0, shadows will start at the their caster surface, but there will be many self shadowing artifacts.
larger values, shadows will start further from their caster, and there won't be self shadowing artifacts but object might appear to fly.
Shadow Sharpen Amount to sharpen shadow filtering
Contact Shadow Length
here Length of screen space ray trace for sharp contact shadows is in world space units or in screen space units.
Cast Translucent
Whether the light is allowed to cast dynamic shadows from translucency.
Cast Shadows From
Cinematic Objects Only
Whether the light should only cast shadows from components marked as bCastCinematicShadows. 
This is useful for setting up cinematic Movable spotlights aimed at characters and avoiding the shadow depth rendering costs of the background.
Note: this only works with dynamic shadow maps, not with static shadowing or Ray Traced Distance Field shadows.
Dynamic Indirect Lighting Whether the light should be injected into the Light Propagation Volume
Distance Field Shadows Whether to use ray traced distance field area shadows.  The project setting bGenerateMeshDistanceFields must be enabled for this to have effect.
Distance field shadows support area lights so they create soft shadows with sharp contacts.  
They have less aliasing artifacts than standard shadowmaps, but inherit all the limitations of distance field representations (only uniform scale, no deformation).
These shadows have a low per-object cost (and don't depend on triangle count) so they are effective for distant shadows from a dynamic sun.










Save and Export


The area marked in blue below is where you can control options related to saving the file in the ".uasset" format and exporting it additionally.

Export extensions supported by the current version include EXR, PNG, and JPG.

아래에서 파란색으로 표시된 영역은 ".uasset"의 형식으로 파일을 저장하고 추가적으로 Export할 것인지에 대한 관련 옵션들을 조절하는 영역입니다.

현재 버전에서 지원하는 Export 확장자는 EXR, PNG, JPG가 있습니다.












Options for Niagara can be accessed from the area marked with a blue square in the photo below.

Since it includes items that are still under development,

it will be updated with various Niagara-related options added in the future.

나이아가라에 대한 옵션은 아래 사진에서 파란 네모로 표시된 영역에서 접근할 수 있습니다.

아직 개발 중인 항목들도 포함되어 있으므로 추후 여러 나이아가라 관련 옵션들이 추가되어 업데이트될 예정입니다.











The FX Location Offset option, which can be accessed by activating the Niagara option,

is an option for left and right position offset relative to the direction the camera is facing,

which is specific to the Niagara effect.
Additionally, the FX Distance option is the distance from the camera facing direction for the Niagara effect.

By adjusting this, you can set the mesh and effect to overlap as much as you want.

나이아가라 옵션을 확성화하면 엑세스할 수 있는 FX Location Offset 옵션은 나이아가라 이펙트에만 해당되는 카메라가 바라보는 방향 기준으로의 좌, 우 위치 오프셋에 대한 옵션입니다.
또한 FX Distance 옵션은 나이아가라 이펙트에 대한 카메라가 바라보는 방향에서의 거리입니다.

이것을 조절함으로써 설정한 메쉬와 이펙트가 원하는만큼 겹치도록 설정할 수도 있습니다.










Below is a photo of a minimal example implementation using the Niagara option.

다음은 나이아가라 옵션을 사용한 최소한의 예시 구현 사진.



