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UE MarketPlace Asset Update Note/Gm UFPS Multiplayer Starter Template

Gm Universal First-Person Multiplayer Starter Template 1.0.0 Release Note

by 개발의 묘미(GaeMyo) 2024. 6. 27.

Gm Universal First-Person Multiplayer Starter Template 1.0.0 Release Note


Comming soon.






'Gm UFPS Multiplayer Starter Template' provides a true first-person framework compatible with projects of all genres.

The biggest advantage of this plugin is its ability to drastically reduce development time for any project targeting first-person development in Unreal Engine, enabling rapid expansion and iteration.

This asset includes the 'Gm Universal UI Framework,' which significantly reduces the time needed to develop all types of widgets, including main menus and settings menus.

There is no need to spend time implementing player input and input bindings, as all related components are already handled.

You don't have to waste time developing the complex logic for first-person cameras, which is often scarce.

This asset includes the 'Gm Rapid Cine Camera Manager', taking care of smooth crouching camera movements, jumping, and advanced camera shake effects.

The plugin fully supports multiplayer, eliminating the enormous time drain typically associated with multiplayer game development.

By using this template, you can start your project with all these benefits right from the beginning.

It is easy to expand upon and integrate into existing projects.

This plugin includes around 240 first-person related animations.






The basic example framework members used in this plugin are located in the path shown in the photo below.

이 플러그인에서 사용되는 기본적인 예시 프레임워크 멤버들은 아래 사진과 같은 경로에 있습니다.







To use the first-person camera, 
attach "Gm FPS Camera" to the character class you want to use as shown in the photo below.

1인칭 카메라를 사용하기 위해서는 사용할 캐릭터 클래스에서 아래 사진과 같이 "Gm FPS Camera"를 부착해주면 됩니다.






The camera's detail panel has a variety of preset options.

이 카메라의 디테일 패널에는 다양한 사전 세팅 가능한 옵션들이 존재합니다.







The 'Character Extension Component' attached to the character is responsible for input or general bindings related to the character's gameplay abilities.
'Gameplay Manager Component' is responsible for all server-related functions.

캐릭터에 부착되어 있는 'Character Extension Component'는 캐릭터의 게임플레이 어빌리티와 관련된 입력이나 일반적인 바인딩을 담당합니다. 
'Gameplay Manager Component'는 서버와 관련된 모든 기능들을 담당합니다.







If you check the details panel with 'Character Extension Component' selected, you can check the following items.

'Character Extension Component'를 선택한 상태에서 디테일 패널을 확인해보면 다음과 같은 항목들을 확인할 수 있습니다.













GmUCF_InputConfig for Input Config can be created by right-clicking in the content browser and following the process below.

Input Config에 들어갈 GmUCF_InputConfig는 콘텐츠 브라우저에서 우클릭 후 아래 과정대로 생성할 수 있습니다.








GmUCF_InputConfig has two array variables. The items above are responsible for binding general inputs, and the items below are responsible for binding gameplay abilities along with inputs.

GmUCF_InputConfig에는 두 배열 변수가 있습니다. 위의 항목은 일반적인 입력들을 바인딩하는 역할이며 아래 항목은 입력과 함께 게임플레이 어빌리티를 바인딩하는 역할입니다.








The setting menu and input binding settings are as shown in the photo below, as are other assets included in this product and are also included in the documents of 'Gm Universal UI Framework'.

세팅 메뉴와 입력 바인딩의 설정은 이 제품에 포함된 또다른 에셋은 'Gm Universal UI Framework'의 문서들에도 수록되어 있듯이 아래 사진과 같습니다.









Additionally, the gameplay abilities implemented as examples in this plugin are located in the path shown in the photo below.

또한 이 플러그인에서 예시로 구현해 둔 게임플레이 어빌리티들은 아래 사진과 같은 경로에 위치해 있습니다.
